Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Foster Care Services A Temporary Living Arrangement For...

Foster care services in the U.S. have been decreasing while children in the system have been increasing. According to Teresa James, Commissioner of the Department of Community Based Services, the system has an average of 7,700 to 8,200 children in need of foster care (qtd. in Toncray). Reduction of the system has caused foster children to suffer more than they already have. This has reached a crisis in which needs immediate attention. The U.S. government and foster care services know of the issues, but continue to disregard. There is more to the children then many people may realize. Foster children will end up homeless and stay suffering if no attention is aided. Few people know what foster care means and many ponder at those words. An online article published by â€Å"Foster Care† indicated that foster care is a temporary living arrangement for abused and neglected children who are in need of a safe place to live when their guardians cannot take responsibility over them. A child arises into the system when foster care services suspect a child is in danger (â€Å"Foster Care†). When a judge approves, the system takes in the child. The main reason of why children end up in foster care services is mainly due to the guardian. Foster children usually have families who deal with issues like alcohol use, illness, drug addiction, or homelessness. Those issues will affect the child negatively if remained in environment. All children in foster care can range anywhere from infants to 18 yearsShow MoreRelatedThe Dark Side Of Foster Care1418 Words   |  6 PagesDark Side of Foster Care The foster care system, is a temporary arrangement in which adults provide for the care of a child or children whose birthparent is unable to care for them. This can be for a variety of reasons, they can be addicted to drugs, homeless with no means of support or they have passed away and there is no other family member to take the child or children. 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